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Brand Of The Month: Sophie Cotton Art

So sorry this one has taken a while to publish. Don't you just hate it when life gets in the way of doing the things you love. Anyway we're here now and I can not wait to tell you about Sophie Cotton's amazing art!

A few months ago Alex commissioned Sophie to draw his 8 year old black Labrador Jake. We can't have Jake with us here in London as it's just not fair on him when we're working full time jobs. He lives back in Suffolk with Alex's mother where he can run around like a headless chicken, flushing the birds out the fields. Having seen Sophie's work on Instagram we were sure she was going to be able to capture his funny little personality. I can safely say we have been blow away by her skill, and now have a fantastic portrait of Jake hanging up in our kitchen where we can see him everyday.

Based in Edinburgh, Sophie is a canine, equine and wildlife artist. She offers a range of limited edition prints, original artwork and also takes on bespoke commissions. The first thing that you will notice is the absolutely stunning detail in all of her drawings, I truly have seen nothing quite like it. Her drawings make gorgeous gifts for any animal lover, and are an amazing way to capture the pets which make our lives so special.

Keep reading to delve a little deeper in to Sophie's world...

Where did it all start?

It started with a degree in Rural Land Management! I was actually studying at The Royal Agricultural College (now University) to become a chartered rural surveyor when I first discovered I could draw. There as a particular lecture (I won't mention names!) that I used to find rather tedious and my mind used to wander to other things, usually dogs or horses. This is when I picked up my pencil and started scribbling little drawings on my lecture notes.... and the rest is history!

Who has been your biggest influence?

My biggest influence has got to be my amazing mother. Mummy has been my number one fan and biggest supporter since day one. She has this amazing ability to bring out the best in people and has encouraged me to push myself and grow as an artist.

What's your favourite piece and why?

Oh gosh, I hate this question.... I can never choose!! It changes all the time but at the moment I would say it's my latest little drawing of a mother elephant with baby in tow. It's just so adorable! It was one of those drawings where I sat down on a rainy afternoon with zero intention of creating a drawing actually worth showing anyone and it turned into something quite unexpected and beautiful.

Your favourite moment in the Sophie Cotton story so far?

I have to say I feel so lucky to be able to do what I love for a living and I am very conscious to never take that for granted. I feel like I have favourite moments every day! If I had to pick one though it would be this amazing Labrador I had the honour of drawing last year. Sadly this Labrador had passed away far too young and when I presented the owner with the finished drawing we both ended up in tears. Tears of happiness at being able to in some small way honour this beautiful little dog.

If you had to pick a motto for your company what would it be?

It would probably be something along the lines of "creativity, love and a little bit of magic" You have to love what you do to get the best out of yourself and the magic is being able to share your creativity with others.

Head over to her website to see more of her stunning creations

Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday!



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