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Bee Happy

We all know I'm a lover of all things bee related. This one is a little more of a serious note.

Earlier this month I was contacted by Cotton & Company asking if I would like to be the first to review their new 'Bee Happy' candle. This is one of the first new products from Cotton & Company's homewares collection and it certainly doesn't disappoint. The smell is truly stunning!

But thats not what this post is about... The scent of the 'Bee Happy' candle has been specially chosen to be soothing and relaxing, whilst fresh and clean, it's a real uplifting scent. That's because Cotton & Company are donating £1 in every £4 of profits from these candles to MIND Mental Health Charity. MIND focus on providing advice and support, as well as campaigning on mental health.

Everyone has their own stresses in life, however big or small, they can have a real effect on our mental health. Earlier this year I went though the toughest time in my career, whilst trying to move house and establish a growing blog/business. I have to admit that this is the first time in my life I felt like things were just too much for me to handle and very basic tasks would stress me out or sit festering in my mind. One of the ways I dealt with and managed to make sense of all the thoughts buzzing round my head was with aromatherapy. I would use pulse roll ons and room scents, if nothing else, they made me take a few seconds to stop and simply breathe. This is one of the reasons I am 100% behind the 'Bee Happy' candle. I was fortunate in that I knew the stresses at work were only temporary and eventually the chaos of moving house would calm down, and I would regain control over my thoughts and but my experiences taught me how these things can creep up on you when you don't expect it.

A little word from Sophie herself on the topic:

"With the very welcome spotlight recently on mental health and wellbeing, and seeing first hand how many young people our age are affected by mental health in varying degrees, we decided to do something to help. We have created a scented candle in collaboration with the UK mental health charity MIND to raise funds to support the tremendous work this charity carries out. The candles fragrance is a calming and uplifting mix of Lavender, Basil and Vetiver. The symbolic impact of a light burning, we hope, will inspire people to be more aware of those that may need a little help in fighting back whatever darkness they are facing"

The candles are available here on the Cotton & Company website for £25. I promise you they are worth every penny, and the smell is heavenly.



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