Escape to Suffolk!
You may remember from my last post that my parents are based in the deepest depths of the Suffolk countryside. The absolute middle of nowhere. Not far from the coast, they live in a lovely cottage called 'The Cottage'...very original!

Whenever I feel like I need to clear my head and get some home comforts or inspiration for my flat in Kew, I head back to Suffolk to visit my parents. Its an amazing feeling driving out of London on a Friday night, knowing that I'll be waking up in my parents cozy cottage.

During the summer we spend days on end in the garden just pottering around, picking fruit and sipping copious amounts of tea - Obviously until around 12 noon when we switch to gin and tonic like any sensible human being would do, right?

Its a rather relaxed affair, we'll plan our day whilst breakfasting amongst the flower beds and ginormous rosemary bush, which you can't help but run your hands over when walking past. When I say plan our day, this usually just involves planning what we'll be gorging ourselves on for the weekend. We're the kind of family who discuss lunch whilst eating breakfast, supper whilst eating lunch and breakfast over supper the night before!

I can almost guarantee that any trip to my parents will involve a 'quick snout around' (my family seem to love this saying) the antique shops scattered in the surrounding villages, a mosey round the farm shop to pick up something for dinner and finally a brisk walk along the beach at Thorpeness. I love this beach, you can walk for what feels like miles and not see a single soul.

In the winter the cottage becomes a cozy retreat for the whole family...including the cat who barely leaves her seat by the fire, until mum forces her to get some fresh air! We'll hunker down in the living room by the log burner, and every now and then have the panic that we need to venture out in to the cold because a) we will run out of logs soon or, a) we're almost out of wine!

I try to get out to Suffolk as much as possible, and can't wait for spring time to hurry up and get here so we can get back out in to the garden and I can steal some of mums gorgeous plants for my garden back in Kew!
Have a lovely evening all,
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